Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Africa lion safari- Kenya; ultimate tour country

#TITLE#Africa lion safari- Kenya; ultimate
tour country#/TITLE#

The African lion is fabled as the King of the African Jungle. On a recent vacation
to the Maasai Mara game reserve in Kenya, I was awed at the sheer respect that the
African lion commands. It was one of the most rewarding trips in all my wildlife
safari vacations.

It was the morning a day after our arrival at Olarro Camp located in the Maasai
Mara, one of the best animal safari destinations in Africa. We departed camp at
around 6.00am in the morning for our much awaited morning game drive. Our Maasai
guide, Sammy, and the camp manager Sean packed us in their open Land rover truck
and off we went on a popular game track. We were pleasantly surprised at Sammy's
spotting prowess that, less than a kilometer from camp, had already spotted a lone
male cheetah. Probably on its early morning hunting stakeout, the cheetah wasn't
very amused at our unwelcome intrusion and trudged along grudgingly.

The mating Lions Off we went to look out for the elusive lions in the short savannah
brush. We were negotiating a blind corner when .....Wham... a pride of 3 young males
in the company of a lone female. The minute I spotted the lions, I knew this is
not the situation you want to seem too intrusive. One seemingly larger male Lion
with a slightly darkening mane was separated from other 2 young and was busy courting
a Lioness. The two other lions seemed to have lost the contest for the single lioness
and were circling around the pair with a lot of bitterness. Our arrival had simply
compounded their anger. On the other hand, we had walked onto a mating pair and
the dominant male was so infuriated by our interruption of his engrossing activities
with the lioness. We simply had too many lions against our arrival. For a full 5
minutes, there was absolute silence as each party looked deep and hard into the
eyes of the other. Trying to read the intent of either, we starred long and hard.
I could feel my thunderous pulse as through my heart had moved into my arms and
ears. Our fear was worsened by the fact that we were riding in an open vehicle and
the lions would have had no trouble taking us out .... one by one.

Deceitful distraction The African lion has this uncanny behaviour when faced
by such an intense gridlock. It simply looks aside as if something else more urgent
got its attention, while keeping you within its visual sphere. This serves two purposes,
one is to disarm you by trying to distract your stare and secondly to cleverly provide
a leeway to the impasse and hostility created by locking eyes in an imminent confrontation.
When faced by a formidable enemy who it cannot translate to food, the African lion
will never attack if you have your eyes locked. One cannot be too cautious; "you
never know what surprise these humans can spring... a club, machete or worse even....a
bloody gun".

The day is saved A relief to this situation came from the other two young, small
maned lions who noticed their chances of contesting for the lioness, had just gone
from worse to impossible.....there were just too many of us for their liking. They
casually strolled of with their heads high and into underbrush. It took the older
male Lion about five minutes to be reassured that we posed no threat to his mating
advances to the lioness. Usually, the most dangerous situations to be caught in
are between a mating pair or a lioness with its cubs. The King lion proceeded to
mate with the female unperturbed by our presence; like we never existed.... and
if we did then he was seeing things or could as well have been blind. "A lion's
got to do what a lion got to want to stay and watch... well that's your

We finally decided that we needed to give them their space and started to drive
off. The dominant king lion must have thanked us for making his competition from
the other two go away. But just as we started off we heard excited human voices
and knew they were headed for certain disaster. We revved off our car towards the
noises and found four Maasai women chatting animatedly as they made a beeline to
a river, 100m between them and the mating lions.

Maasai co-exist with the wildlife

We were about to leave when I noticed their surprised look. Like we didn't understand
that lions are part of their life. Like we needed not to have bothered them with
the obvious. That's when I realized how much the Maasai have learnt the art of co-existence
with the wildlife. I wouldn't have been amazed if they had walked right passed us,
as we watched the lions like there was no danger. I imagine them walking in between
us and the pride, chatting and laughing at this group of tourists huddled silently,
scarred stiff and almost immobilized by the sheer might of the African lion at a
mating contest.

The million dollar gaze of the lion

This was an experience that I always relive when I look at the photos taken on
that safari. It's what an African lion safari does to you. You get to be in the
presence of his highness the majesty king of the his tuff. Nothing beats
that glaring look and the thrill that goes with it when your eyes lock into his
menacing, unblinking and threatening stare...That's the African lion stare....humbling
it is.

African Lion coming of age

The African lion matures at the age of 4-5 years. A fully grown male lion has
a very dark mane while the youth grow a mane gradually, which then darkens as they
progress in age. The males are pushed off their families when they become sexually
mature by the king of the pride. African Lions usually sleep and rest for 16hours
a day only getting up to hunt in the early mornings, late evenings and at night.
Usually the King-lion of the pride commands between 5-10 lionesses including the
cubs. This male will aggressively protect its territory against intruding males
who contest for the females.

Overthrowing the Lion King

There are a lot of coup d`e'tat in the lion kingdom and the male constantly gets
into territorial wars with invading lions. Once in a while a female becomes disenchanted
and leaves the pride to seek out younger and more aggressive males. Once a lion
has successfully overthrown a dominant male, they set upon establishing their kingdom
immediately by making the females submissive. How they do this is what will surprise

Conqueror males kill all Cubs One of the most bizarre behaviour of lions is that
a conqueror male often kills all young cubs fathered by the defeated former king
lion of the pride. The lioness will fight, sometimes to death, when the male lion
goes for her cubs. There are two reasons for this behaviour, one is to establish
a lineage of his own and secondly to as quickly as possible make the females come
to oestrus and ready to mate. It's always a rush before other male lions come to
undermine his authority over the pride.

Traveling to the Maasai Mara -Kenya

On arrival in Nairobi, one is picked up by his tour operator for an overnight
stay at the city's many five star Hotels. It's always advisable to have a night
rest before embarking on to the Mara; if you are to enjoy your game drives. The
next morning you drive about 400km to the Mara in either a 4x4 or a minivan and
you are booked into many of the world class lodges in the Game Reserve. You will
be entitled to at least 2 game drives a day and you will be surprised at the animals
you will see immediately outside the gate to your lodge...That's Mara for you.

The wonder that is the Mara Elephants graze 1 metre off your game drive tracks,
cheetahs will stare at you seated majestically under tree trunks and occasionally
jump on the hood of your car for that vantage view point for prey, a herd of a thousand
buffalos will gaze at you all at once with over 2,000 eye balls, lions will sprawl
for an hour underneath your van for the shade and wildebeest will gallop past your
car in their millions as they head for the breath taking river crossings packed
with crocodiles and strong currents. (See previous articles and shots on the great
wildebeest migration at:,

An experience worth its weight in platinum. Please email this article to friends
who enjoy wildlife in the Wild.

Robert Muhoho is a travel consultant in Kenya, East Africa

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