Sunday, September 30, 2007

I Just Want To Go On An African Safari!

It's amazing how a person's adventurous spirit gets a wake up call by simply watching a Tarzan re-run.

"Hey," I thought. "I'm due for a holiday. I've always wanted to visit Africa. What about an African Safari?" What about it indeed! So I rang my local travel centre and posed the question..."What do you have in the way of African Safaris?" The chirpy voice on the other end of the line immediately responded.."Sir, you've certainly come to the right place. What type of safari are you interested in?"

Pausing for a moment just a little confused by her question I replied. "Err.. an African Safari. Is there a choice?"

"Oh Yes," the response came back. "Do you want to rough it or do you want to stay in five star accomodation? Are you after a Flying Safari, Group, Guided or Honeymoon Safari? What about a Family Safari? Or if you've got time to burn you could look at an Overland Safari."

This girl really knew her stuff. Did she what! But I was left just a little confused. "I just want to go on an African Safari," I responded after another long pause. "Lions, elephants, giraffes and thick jungle. I want to see Africa just like it's portrayed in Tarzan."

Again there was a slight pause. "I can't believe I just said that," thinking out loud. "This girl must think I'm two bricks short of a house." Then quick as a flash I spruiked..."Something the kids will remember!"

"Oh, you want information on the Family Safari. Great choice!"

"Yes, that's it. A Family Safari. Do you have brochures?"

"Sure sir. Just pop in at your earliest convenience and ask for Sara. I'll have all the information you need."

So there it was. Ten minutes ago I thought going on safari in Africa meant suiting up in Jungle Jim gear and carrying a rifle. How naive. There is a variable smorgasbord of holidays available. I was recommended to consider the private family safari. Reason being; not only do you get a private use vehicle but your very own guides. How neat! The good thing about this type of safari is you can travel at your own pace and there are plenty of great camps to choose from along the way. Now all I've got to decide is in which location I'm heading.

African Safaris come in all shapes and sizes. You could decide on a private or group Mobile Tented Camp Safari. These are a great way to get close to the natural wildlife. Well, close being the most sensible and safest distance from any harm.

There are Flying Safaris - so called because you're first flown to your destination reserve and then chauffered to your designated camp site in true African cross country style. Then there is the private safari which suits those of us who aren't comfortable with crowds. These are excellent simply because you can tailor your own itinerary.

Those among you who like being around people and making new friends will look at a Group Safari. Despite being more punctual and where time deadlines play a part, these are great because of their cost effectiveness.

And the list goes on... Oh, did I mention Self-Drive Safaris. These are only recommended in countries such as South Africa because of it's first class road systems.

The type of adventure you want is only limited by your imagination. Just check with your local travel agent for the best options.

Dean Caporella is a professional Journalist and Sportscaster who takes an interest in a wide range of topics. "Like most, I've yearned for an adventure in mighty Africa. Today, there are so many options available to folks. At I want to provide intending travellers with as much news and information before taking off on safari to this wild and beautiful continent.

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