Sunday, January 13, 2008

African Safari Kenya: Top 14 African Safari Parks in Kenya

1. Nairobi - Tsavo East African safari

Your first African safari day targets the huge and expansive Kenya wildlife safari park called Tsavo. The Kenya safari party departs Nairobi in the morning and proceeds to Tsavo East Wildlife Park. This is Kenya?s largest game sanctuary famed for its huge herds of elephants.

Tsavo East is also famous from the ?man eaters of Tsavo? , a group of Lions that killed by the hundreds the rail line workers in 1890?s. The park is so huge that game drives could easily go on for hours while seeing all the ?big five? wildlife and astounding land formations and rivers.

Your Tsavo East African safari snippet is full of the big five and spectacular geographical features in a semi arid area.

2. Tsavo East - Tsavo West African safari

On your second African safari day, you will cross over the Mombasa highway that divides Tsavo East and West. Tsavo West is a miracle waiting to be discovered in an African safari. It is full of exquisite volcanic lava flows, crystal clear springs fed and filtered by underground labyrinth of volcanic porous rocks.

There are numerous caves with dripping water and moss made from the Pleistocene volcanic era. Enchanted Forests that stand on volcanic rocks offer a cool and welcome relief from the sun.

You will have early morning game drives before breakfast and later proceed to Tsavo West Wildlife safari park arriving in time for lunch. Afternoon is spent in your lodge at leisure followed by a game viewing drive. Dinner and overnight at your lodge and entertainment from Kamba people African safari dancers.

3. Tsavo West ? Amboseli Wildlife African safari

On the 3rd day African safari, you will depart Tsavo West after breakfast and game drive for Amboseli Wildlife safari park a place of stark contrast. Amboseli National Park is in the shadows of Africa?s highest snow-capped mountain-Mt. Kilimanjaro.

Towering way above the park, the mountain is imposing and offers a picture perfect opportunity of photographing the big five with a background of the bald headed, snow-capped Kilimanjaro. The greatest attraction here is the vast herds of Elephant within the park and the bull Elephant that have the biggest tusks in Kenya.

The evening game drive will complete this full African safari day. Photograph over 200 elephant herd crossing the road right in front and at the rear of your car-sandwiched. You are accommodated in the Amboseli Serena or Ol Tukai 5 star African safari lodges or a mobile tented camp at the community campsite.

4. Amboseli Wildlife Park African safari

You spend your 4th day of African safari at the park lounging. Get to swim in the lodges? swimming pool with a spectacular view of elephants drinking from a spring 50 yards away. Your room is also fronted by a spring that elephants love to drink from. You will spend the whole of your day observing elephant behaviour from a distance of less than 50 yards from your bed and verandah.

Early morning and late evening game drives are standard where you get to see the Lions, cheetahs and the occasional leopard-the ultimate prize. Dinner and overnight at the lodge or budget campsite.

5. Amboseli ?Naivasha Wildlife African safari

Day five of this best of African safari package sees you crossing from the Southwestern of Maasai country to the mid-western area and on the floor of the great rift valley of Kenya. You depart after breakfast and proceed to Lake Naivasha.

This is the second biggest fresh water lake in Kenya. On a boat ride you will be able to see the numerous hippos wallowing and yawning while making loud bleating sounds.

You depart in the afternoon for an optional tour to Crescent Island. The Lake is a bird? paradise and has a larger number of hippos. Dinner and overnight at your lodge or budget tent.

6. Naivasha -Maasai Mara

You are driven from Naivasha on the sixth day crossing the Great Rift Valley floor and up the Maasai highlands into the world famous Maasai Mara game reserve. The Maasai Mara is the epitome of a African safari.

Arriving at your lodge, have a leisurely afternoon followed by an optional evening game drive (in most cases nobody opts out of this one). Your game drive is so spectacular with so much wildlife that your head will spin.

Elephants graze 2 yards away from your car, a herd of 500 buffalos stare in unison with a thousand eyeballs mean as brick face, lions sprawl underneath your car for shade and cheetahs mount on the hood of your car for that vantage view point for prey-SUBLIME.

You spend the evening being entertained by the Maasai morans in a bon- fire setting.

7. Maasai Mara Game Reserve Wildlife African safari

Day seven is spent at the Maasai Mara game reserve lounging and breathing the fresh air of the Maasai plains. A full day game drive is usually offered and this will literally drop your jaw with awe.

The captivating African wildlife as found in the Maasai Mara will leave you yearning for more and yet satiated to the brim with safari photos. (You will run out of camera memory and battery power before you ran out of wildlife.)

Lunch is served at the bank of Mara River where Hippos can be viewed as you munch away the freshly prepared cuisine and a sea of fresh fruits flown daily from Nairobi. Such are the comforts you get in your African-African safari.

Dinner will be served at the lodge and entertainment by the Maasai group.

8. Maasai Mara - L. Victoria Tour

On your eighth day, next destination is Africa?s and world?s second largest fresh water lake. This is Lake Victoria, the source of the second longest river in the world called the Nile that feeds the whole of Egypt and was revered even in pharaoh?s time.

Lunch is taken at your lake side hotel and in the afternoon you will have an optional boat ride in the lake. This lake covers the whole of the three east African countries; Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda. You will proceed to Kakamega for dinner and overnight at the golf hotel or campsite.

9. L. Victoria - Mt. Elgon Tour

Your day nine in Kakamega enchanted tropical rain forest will see you having bird walks. Some rare and endemic birds are found in this forest.

You will return to the lodge for early lunch before you proceed to Mount Elgon Wildlife safari park for a game drive including a hike to the Kitum Caves (Elephant Caves). The kitum caves are so large that they can fit 100 elephants at a go. This is where elephants come to lick the salty cave wall rocks. The caves are so beautiful with cascading waterfalls at their entrance and trickling springs inside their bowels.

Mt. Elgon has an elephant platform and overlooks both Uganda and Kenya at its highest point. The trees are lined with liana, climbers and moss laden with morning dew that creates a feeling of ?out of Africa?

Dinner and overnight at the Mt. Elgon Lodge, the Kenya Wildlife Service Bandas, or campsite.

10. Mt. Elgon -Lake Bogoria -L. Baringo Tour

You will Depart Mt. Elgon on the tenth day after breakfast for Lake Bogoria with lunch en-route. This is a salty water lake on the rift valley floor. The lake is famous for its teaming flamingo populations and the ever hissing hot water springs. A lot of teams have boiled eggs on these natural cookers.

On Arrival and you will have a game drive, which will take you to the hot water springs. In the afternoon you will depart Lake Bogoria for Lake Baringo for dinner and overnight at the lodge or campsite.

11. L. Baringo - L. Nakuru Tour

On your eleventh day, you will depart for Lake Nakuru Wildlife safari park after break fast arriving in time for lunch. Lake Nakuru is a RAMSAR site, a world wetland heritage site. The Lake is famous for its rhinos and the flamingo populations. It also has some lions, leopard, giraffe, waterbuck, baboons, gazelles, impala and buffalo. Diner and overnight at the hotel or campsite.

12. L. Nakuru ? Samburu African safari

After breakfast in Lake Nakuru on the twelfth day, depart passing through the equator where you will have an 'Equator ceremony' as you continue to Kenya's semi-arid area, the Samburu National Reserve.

Samburu national reserve is world famous for it is here that the survivor series 4 was shot. Samburu is a replica of the Maasai Mara with a lot of wildlife and crocodiles.

Lunch and game drive are taken en-route. Dinner and overnight at the lodge or campsite.

13. Samburu Game Reserve Tour

Day thirteen is a full day lounging in a wildlife park. Morning and afternoon game drives are usually provided. See the endemic ?giraffe antelope? aka the gerenuk as it stands on two rear feet to browse the leaves of the areas short acacia trees. Observe the rare, endangered and endemic grevy Zebra.

Full day in the Reserve with morning and afternoon game drives. All meals and overnight at the lodge or campsite.

14. Samburu / Nairobi

On the fourteenth day of your African safari, have an early morning game drive before breakfast and thereafter depart for Nairobi.

This will complete your full best of African safari within 14 days. This African safari is priced differently depending on whether you want to be accommodated in lodges or campsites. Lodge accommodation is naturally more expensive but also more luxurious with all the comforts of a hotel.

Cost of your African safari in Kenya

Camping on the other hand enables you to sample the real Kenyan tour wilderness and freshness of nature. Lodge based African safari s average between USD 250 to USD 400 depending on the luxury sought.

Camping on the other hand enables you to sample the real Kenyan tour wilderness and freshness of nature. Camping incentive safaris depend on the group number and the larger the number, the lower the cost. An average of 4 travelers pays USD 100 per day per person for this 14 or less day?s package.

Robert Muhoho is a tour consultant with landmark safaris. To tailor your own shorter or longer best of African safari visit them

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